

Reliable Courier Services, Smooth Office/House Removal, Secure Furniture Delivery, and Efficient Event/Film Equipment Transport.


We Give You Complete
Control on Your Logistics, Fast And Reliable

T-Doc Logistics are professionals in logistics, across London and nationwide. Experts in removals, courier service, furniture delivery, events, Tv / film equipment delivery, warehouse and storage solutions.
T-Doc Logistics works and collaborates with some of the biggest names in the industry and has built great relationships with them. We are one of the most trusted logistics company in England and we are always trying to improve our services.
Quality Services

Consistency all year round will not only ensure the probability that a product or service will operate as desired.


All deliveries from T-Doc Logistics are feedback rated for your peace of mind.

Fast and Easy

Complete one simple form and quotes come to you via email or one of our customer service team will give you a call you.

Great Prices

As T-Doc Logistics, delivery companies are already making similar trips, but the quotes are up to 40% cheaper than standard rates.


Specialist Logistics

office/House Removal

T-Doc Logistics has been offering office/house removals across the UK and are committed to always delivering the highest quality service.

Same day delivery

We deliver your goods in a dedicated vehicle, in the most time-efficient way and professional manner.


T-Doc Logistics are in partnership with some of the biggest furniture manufactories and sofa companies in the country.


How We Deliver
Your Parcel

Parcel Register
Parcel Loading

Parcel In-Transit
Parcel Delivery


We Create Opportunity
to Reach Potential

    What our clients say about us


    William Smith

      T-Doc Logistics has become my go-to for all Courier services needs. Whether it's domestic or nation wide, they handle everything with ease. Their online platform is user-friendly.

      William Smith

      Sienna W.

        I was hesitant to switch to a new logistics provider, but T-Doc Logistics exceeded my expectations. Not only are their rates competitive, but their tracking system is also incredibly accurate. Couldn't be happier with their service.

        Sienna W.

        John D.

          I've been using T-Doc Logistics for several months now, and I'm thoroughly impressed. Their customer service is top-notch, and they always go above and beyond to ensure my packages arrive safely and on time.

          John D.